Adult Religious Classes


Adult Education Series: CATHOLICISM


“Catholicism speaks through powerful words,” states Bishop Robert Barron in his introduction to this adult formation series. As we continue our spiritual journey toward the Kingdom of Heaven, it becomes increasingly important to learn the foundations of our faith. The Catholic faith is founded in the New Testament, and the words of our Lord, but is enhanced by the writings of our Apostolic Fathers, the artwork of talented artists, and the beauty found in the architecture of our churches.


Join Bishop Robert Barron, as he presents this ten-week series on our faith. The series will be hosted by Deacon Ed, began April 24th,2024, in the John Paul II room at 9:00 am and repeated at 6:30 pm each Wednesday.


The series provides a window to the beauty of our faith. The event is free and open to anyone who wishes to increase their knowledge of the Catholic faith.