Lectors & Extraordinary Ministers

Extraordinary  Ministers

Anyone 16 and older who feels called by the Holy Spirit into the ministry of extraordinary minister of Communion, must attend a diocesan training session and then be trained at the parish they wish to serve. Ministers serve at all liturgies and bring the blessed sacrament to the home bound when needed. If you feel called you should contact the office for more information 440-234-6830 x 100.


The ministry of lecturing is open to anyone (8th grade and older) who would like to assist at Mass.  If you are interested please contact the parish office. 440-234-6830 x 100 or office@saintadalbertparish.org

Schedules for both of these ministries come out every 3 months. If you have lost your schedule download it below. If you have questions please contact the office.


Please contact the parish office for a copy of the updated schedule.


440-234-6830 x 100 



